Drama Ties was created in Paris, in 1999 by British actor-director, Kester Lovelace. The aims of the company are to facilitate English-learners, of all levels, as well as English-speakers, and theatre-lovers in taking part in theatre activities, as both actor and spectator, in shows, workshops, clubs, holiday courses…

Since its creation, the company has worked in more than 1500 schools, throughout the Paris region and all over France. We have devised and performed 25 different shows in over 20 years. All our work is backed up by pedagogical documents and teaching aids. We also offer training sessions for teachers who wish to use drama in the classroom. To find out more, send us an email by clicking here

My Mum's Generation 16

snow white ©Benoit Rony

The company recruits professionally trained English-speaking actor-teachers many of whom are specialised in creative, movement-based theatre. This enables them to lead theatre sessions with young people, where communication through body language becomes the key to developing expression and confidence.

Company members come from all parts of the English-speaking world, and include writers, directors and musicians. We believe in creating our own shows, based on strong stories, and a modern approach which takes into account the audience. The theatrical and cultural aspects are equally as important, if not more, than the linguistic ones.

Our work is recognised by the Paris education authority, as well as those in Créteil and Versailles.

We’ve appeared in magazines and online publications, such as VocableNew Standpoints and Café pédagogique.


First Drama Ties production is Rumpelstiltskin, adapted from the Grimm fairy tale, and performed for primary-level children. The show has been reprised several times.


Robin Hood, eco-warrior becomes the first show for lower-secondary level. Performed at Comédie Bastille in Paris.


Prince Academy is the first show produced for upper-secondary level. The show is reprised at the Vingtième Théâtre in Paris in 2006, where the company is resident for 10 years.


Drama Ties receives the European Label for Innovative Initiatives in Language Learning for its Musical Theatre Exchange Project. This project runs every year between a school in Paris, and a school in South London.


ShakesPod our most successful show for older students and adults is produced at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.


Shakespeare à Créteil is created in partnership with the Académie de Créteil. A unique programme in France, Drama Ties works closely with selected schools to mount student productions of Shakespeare in English.


Drama Ties co-produces the first French production of hit English play, Beautiful Thing, at the Vingtième Théâtre. The show goes to Avignon in 2010 and tours France.


Five schools around France take part in a pilot project, called Drama Across Boundaries, run by Drama Ties and the National Youth Theatre of Britain.


Architecture in Schools, a collaboration with the British Council to enrich students’ perspective on architecture and drama.


Solo Projects, Drama Ties encourages its actors to develop and create their personal projects. Four projects have toured schools so far.


Co-production with Théâtre de Nesle in Paris.


3 shows in the 789 Festival at Théâtre de Nesle in Paris.


New co-production with Théâtre Trévise in Paris.


We celebrated our 20 years with this video, with participation from old and present company members.


We successfully adapted to the social distancing regulations and ran over 40 projects in schools.


Start of the creation process of two new shows. Invited to work with grandes Ecoles/speak at language conferences.


2 new show creations: What the Dickens! and Thumbelina with Centre Louis Lumière and Centre Ken Saro Wiwa
